We provide factual, evidence-based information about the oil and gas industry.

Featured Fact Sheets

Beetaloo Development Project – Facts and Benefits
Energy Information Australia compares the fact and benefits of the Beetaloo Development Project. The infographic…
Environmental impacts of developing the Beetaloo Basin
An independent scientific program found that prospective gas development in the Beetaloo Basin – including…
Fracking 101
Hydraulic fracturing – also referred to as “fraccing” or “fracking” is a well completion technology…
Economic benefits of an onshore Northern Territory natural gas industry
Learn more about the potential economic benefits of an onshore Northern Territory natural gas industry.
Myths VS Facts: Debunking Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility spin
This Fact Sheet is a direct response to the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility’s (ACCR)…
What is Energy Information Australia?
Energy Information Australia provides factual, evidence-based information about Australia’s oil and gas exploration and production industry.